
tootie woll

i liked the font they used and how the layout of the website

robb wells

balance and contrast- Has a main picture in middle of the page it has text and pictures to balance rhythm/Repetition- has larger and smaller text sizes. Emphasis/alignment has text on an angle and picture on an angle bright colour for heading Unity/ proximity used only one or two fonts with different sizes stuck to one colour pallet photos are lined up with same grid lines

digital imaging : Photography compisition

medium is the message

Our example was on , the title of the video is the future of news, virtual reality the video is about how virtual reality is the future of news and how it almost turns into a personal experience because you can live what these other people are living. Some ways we think the medium is the message is the media becomes more of an extension of you because you experience more than just reading it your living it and it has a greater impact on you and the way you live your life .

what is public domain and creative commons The website offers thousands of free photos and videos that are in the public domain. it could be helpful when making a project or a blog. The website gives you access to videos and music in the public domain and could help when making a video or something like that. this website offers free sound effects and noise and could be useful when editing a video trying at add more effects.